Privacy and the Internet

Why do people partake in devaluing internet privacy?

Sometimes, social media users contribute to the lack of privacy on the internet themselves:


Firstly, people are compelled to share content online because they feel what they share is personally entertaining, involving, and defining[1].

However, some tend to overshare information on social media, which can have lasting detrimental consequences. A user actively posting everything about themselves, including:

  • tactless behaviour,
  • inappropriate images,
  • or controversial opinions,

may jeopardise their career lives due to unprofessional conduct on the internet. Additionally, the content shared will remain online forever due to the archival nature of the internet[1].

Social Media.

Digital Hygiene

Users who share personal information on the general internet are mostly aware they are under surveillance by websites they visit and internet service providers. Although, these users usually do not feel discomfort from this fact but rather acceptance despite understanding the importance of internet privacy[3].

Users, as a result, undervalue digital hygiene[2]:

  • checking privacy settings,
  • turning off unnecessary features,
  • and removing unused applications,

as they realise they are being watched regardless; which is a paradoxical mindset[3].